Peace Portal

The Author gave me clear instructions that “A Message From God” is to be given away at little or no cost to the end user. I’m sure that later on there will be a print version available at a nominal cost, however, the eBook is available Right NOW online — either by visiting the site and clicking “Receive,” or by looking it up on “Scribd.

For the record, I don’t know how to pronounce that, but I do know it’s a neat tool. For those who don’t know, Scribd is basically like YouTube for documents–complete with a Flash embeds and all that. And “A Message From God” is available there, so if you want to read it online feel free. Of course, if you want me to send it to you, send an email to “ebook at”

Now, all that said, I’d like to shout out a new friend: Peace Portal. Aside from the fact that they’ve created a page for “Message” there with the Scribd embed code, it just seems like a great online place for people who want to work for the common good of humanity. Check it out.

And if you’d like to embed “A Message From God” on your site or blog, click here.


A Messenger

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