About This Project

“A Message From God” is an online multimedia project aimed at spreading a message of love, compassion, kindness, miracles and forgiveness.

At its core is the free eBook, “A Message From God.” Since its launch in late 2008, the project has accumulated a worldwide following, and now aims to become a champion for the common good of humanity.

A few facts about “A Message From God:”

    • “A Message From God” is intended for spiritual guidance, not religious dogma. Agreement with its contents is not required, and it makes no claims of superiority over any existing religion, holy text or belief system.
    • “A Message From God” was written at about a 6th- to 8th grade reading level. The Author (God) inspired this messenger to write in simple everyday language to ensure that the powerful ideas presented do not get lost in the words.
    • This message was brought through Lee Eric Smith, who considers himself “a messenger” on behalf of The Author — God. Lee considers himself one of many messengers and wants to help others bring forth the messages they’ve been given.
    • The original inspiration for the project came in October 2006. It was officially launched in December 2008 — in part, as a way for Lee to deal with the pain of an extremely difficult divorce and custody battle.
    • Shortly after the launch, Lee launched the Facebook page and began sharing inspiring and thought provoking posts each day, and the page gradually grew a worldwide following on the social media platform.
    • In 2014, Lee posted a clip memorializing the late comedian and actor Robin Williams after his suicide — a post that went viral and helped “A Message From God” rapidly grow to more than 1.3 million Facebook followers worldwide.

  • In 2015, Lee began offering a weekly prayer video online. Over time, Lee to hosting roughly three broadcasts a week on Facebook:
    • Miracle Mondays, with a focus on how each of us can work miracles “if we just believe.”
    • Thanksgiving Thursdays, a weekly practice of developing an attitude of gratitude.
    • Forgiveness Fridays, focused on practicing forgiveness and how it can help us love others without condition.
  • The cover image was taken by this messenger on the side of U.S. Hwy 78 between Holly Springs, Mississippi and Memphis, Tennessee in 2004. Many who see it say they see a face in the clouds. Other than minor adjustments for color and contrast, it has not been altered in any way.
  • Although Lee was raised in the Christian tradition, “A Message From God” is deliberately written to sit outside of any particular religious doctrine. It stresses “relationship over religion,” and consequently respects all religious traditions for their core purpose: developing a meaningful relationship with The Infinite.

