LOVE Letters
From its inception, the Church has always had its problems. Yet with all its faults, the Church is firmly fixed in the heart of God.…
From its inception, the Church has always had its problems. Yet with all its faults, the Church is firmly fixed in the heart of God.…
He’s here! After nine months of being pregnant and 12 hours in labor, our daughter birthed a beautiful, healthy baby boy last Friday night. HalleluJAH!…
Eros, or romantic, sexual love is the third stage of love. Out of eros came the cosmos (1 Timothy 2:14). The lusts of the flesh,…
With phileo, or brotherly/sisterly love (Hebrews 13:1), one cares for the other as much as one cares for the self (Genesis 2:7, 17, 19). Phileo…
Whether on the Internet or in a chain, links connect us to one another (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Love links in the three distinct stages that intertwine:…
“Be not forgetful (or remember) to entertain (welcome, host, befriend, show hospitality to) strangers (foreigners, transients, unknowns, enemies, oddities, eccentrics, weirdos, freaks, queers, rejects, repulsives,…
Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if every person on the planet became focused on the single, most important pursuit in…