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This image was taken by Lee Eric Smith on the side of U.S. Hwy 78 between Memphis and Holly Springs, MS after an afternoon rainstorm. Other than adjustments for color and contrast, it has not been altered in any way.
This image was taken by Lee Eric Smith on the side of U.S. Hwy 78 between Memphis and Holly Springs, MS after an afternoon rainstorm. Other than adjustments for color and contrast, it has not been altered in any way.

Thanks for your interest in “A Message From God.” I hope it touches your heart and inspires you as it as done for me.

There are a couple of ways to access the complete text of this powerful message:

1. You can read it online starting with About Me. To jump to any chapter, simply click on “Read it NOW” above for a popdown menu.

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Hopefully, something in this message will inspire you to share it with others. Of course, you can send a link to this site, and we’ve also included convenient “Share” buttons at the bottom of all our pages so you can share it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google and others. Also, check back for “A Messenger’s Blog,” and more . . .

(To read about how this image above was taken, check out the blog post: “Blessed Are The Pure In Heart . . .”)

Thanks for helping to spread the word, and peace be with you,

A Message From God

