A few more steps . . .

We’re glad to welcome you to the AMFG Community! We pray that the content, people and concepts you find here help you forge a closer, more meaningful and more empowering personal relationship with God. First, a few more steps:

Customize Your Profile:

You can access your profile, courses and network by selecting the icon in the top right (desktop), or in the hamburger menu top left (mobile). Just click “My Account.”

From there your can access, and personalize:

  • Your Profile Photo
  • Your Cover Photo
  • Membership Options (Subscriptions, payments and courses)
  • Timeline (Post what’s on your mind, prayer concerns and more in AMFG’s private social network)
  • Connections (See your AMFG friends and prayer partners)
  • Forums (Participate in inspiring and thought-provoking threads)

Set Your Newsletter Schedule:

Next, take just a few moments to tell us which two days you’d like to receive “A Message For Today:”