Flushing Out Toxins

None of us are immune to bad things happening, or people behaving in a negative manner. None of us are above behaving in a negative manner — and if you think you are, check yourself. Just thinking that can put you on a righteousness trip that will be irritating to those around you. You might even irritate yourself.

No, we’re all subject to bad moods, negative feelings, anger, resentment . . . all kinds of toxic emotions. In “A Message From God,” The Author explains that each of us will encounter difficulties, because that’s part of the human experience. It’s how we deal with these difficulties — where we come from and the choices we make — that determines the evolution of our souls.

If you’re dealing with toxic emotions, check out this link on Beliefnet. As always, our lives are shaped by the moment-to-moment choices we make. If you’re aware of toxic emotions — yours or someone else’s — remember that you don’t have to act on “autopilot.” Stop, breathe for a few moments, ask yourself: “Who do I want to be in relations to this situation or person?” Listen to the still small voice in your heart, then choose from there.

It will not always be easy, but it is always worthwhile.

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