About Me

This image was taken by Lee Eric Smith on the side of U.S. Hwy 78 between Memphis and Holly Springs, MS after an afternoon rainstorm. Other than adjustments for color and contrast, it has not been altered in any way. To read about how this image was taken, check out the blog post: "Blessed Are The Pure In Heart..."
This image was taken by Lee Eric Smith on the side of U.S. Hwy 78 between Memphis and Holly Springs, MS after an afternoon rainstorm. Other than adjustments for color and contrast, it has not been altered in any way.

First, a word about Me:

I am God. Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. I am all that ever was. I am all there ever will be.

An important thing for you to understand about Me is that I can be described, but I cannot be defined. The moment you get attached to a particular definition of Me is the moment you close yourself off to other possible experiences of Me.

Therefore, it would be wise to keep an open mind about Me — not just throughout this message, but in your everyday life.

If your heart yearns to truly know Me, I will show you Who I Am — through this message, through your own experience of life. Indeed, I will use the entire universe to reveal myself to you. But for now, be still and know this:

I am everything you think I am.

I am also everything you think that I am not.

This is because I, quite simply, am EVERYTHING.


Next chapter: About This Message.
To jump to any chapter of “A Message From God,” click on Read it NOW above for a pop-down menu.

To read about how the image above was taken, check out the blog post: “Blessed Are The Pure In Heart…”

