First, a word about Me:
I am God. Alpha and Omega. Beginning and End. I am all that ever was. I am all there ever will be.
An important thing for you to understand about Me is that I can be described, but I cannot be defined. The moment you get attached to a particular definition of Me is the moment you close yourself off to other possible experiences of Me.
Therefore, it would be wise to keep an open mind about Me — not just throughout this message, but in your everyday life.
If your heart yearns to truly know Me, I will show you Who I Am — through this message, through your own experience of life. Indeed, I will use the entire universe to reveal myself to you. But for now, be still and know this:
I am everything you think I am.
I am also everything you think that I am not.
This is because I, quite simply, am EVERYTHING.
Next chapter: About This Message.
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To read about how the image above was taken, check out the blog post: “Blessed Are The Pure In Heart…”