Peace: Be Still

Sometimes, just for kicks (and insight), I like to actually visualize what might have been like to have walked alongside the disciples as they traveled with Jesus. Because I don’t know Aramaic, and I don’t speak in “thees” and “thous,” I allow myself to imagine Jesus speaking in everyday language–not profanity, but keep in mind that for all his divine wisdom, Jesus was a working class dude who routinely spoke with what we would call today “street people.” So anyway, today, I’m imagining one of the episodes in the boat — Mark 4: 35-40. If you want to read the actual scripture, click that link. I’m going to have some fun with my visualization now.

So check it out: Jesus tells his boys, “Hey, let’s go over to the other shore.” They hop in the boat and row out. While they’re out a big storm comes up, starts rocking the boat, water splashing all over the place. The disciples start freaking out, all like “Oh snap! We might not make it out of here!” So they do what they always do: They look over to see how Jesus is dealing with all this.

Jesus is taking a nap. We’re all about to die, and JESUS IS TAKING A FREAKING NAP. Not only that, the storm hasn’t even woken him up. AT ALL.

So the disciples shake him to wake him up (I wonder if he was snoring?). “Teacher! Do you just not even care about us? How can you sleep at a time like this?” So Jesus sighs and thinks to himself, “Haven’t these guys learned ANYTHING yet?” and he gets up and looks at the storm, puts his finger on his lips and calmly goes, “Shhhhhh . . . .”

Then the sea gets calm, the clouds clear up and the storm goes away. THE STORM GOT QUIET.

So now, the disciples are freaking out for a whole different reason. This guy told the storm to settle down, and IT DID. And then Jesus turns to them and says, “What were you afraid of in the first place? Where’s your faith? And where’s my pillow?”

In case you’re wondering, yes, that was fun.

There’s a lot one can take from that story. But given the storms I’m dealing with these days, I’m going with the tremendous sense of inner peace Jesus had. Clearly, he knew something his disciples didn’t, and that made all the difference. It’s literally beyond belief — it’s a deep KNOWING that God is with you (and me) in the midst of these storms we’re dealing with. And perhaps more to the point, that we can tell the storms to settle down — and if our faith is true, the storm will listen!

Meditate upon this:

BeliefNet’s got some neat affirmations for inner peace. Work with them.

Also, I ran across this rather interesting analysis of the “Jesus Calms the Storm” story. The author, a man named Austin Cline, is an athiest and a scholar. This piece is insightful and well-thought out, so I recommend reading it. If you are indeed a believer, you know that we often encounter God in unexpected places — even in the writings of one who does not believe in God. More importantly, you know that God’s Voice inside you will guide you, and you’ll trust it.

I’m gonna go tell this storm to be quiet now. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

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