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“Message” is a Worldwide Phenomenon

I want to thank each of you reading this for participating in this project, and for sharing it with those you love. There have been times when I’ve hesitated about moving forward with this project, mostly out of fear. But through it all, I’ve been able to quiet the fearful noises and listen to the quiet voice of The Author, which has given me that legendary “blessed assurance.” The more I watch this project touch lives, the more grateful I am to be its messenger.

Feedback and The Fear Of Death

I’m sure I’ll touch on this many times, but the Ultimate Authority for comments like this will be The Author speaking directly to each of us through our hearts. In short: “A Message From God” + “The Truth Written On Your Heart” = Specifically tailored guidance from God. The real action in this message doesn’t happen on the page — it happens in the hearts of those who receive it.

Peace Portal

I’d like to shout out a new friend: Peace Portal. Aside from the fact that they’ve created a page for “Message” there with the Scribd embed code, it just seems like a great online place for people who want to work for the common good of humanity. Check it out.
