Meet AMFGPT — A Message From God’s AI Helper

So, let’s be clear about something upfront:

An actual human is writing these words you are reading right now — a being who knows what it’s like to breathe and eat and sleep and live. I’m writing this from the heart, because I have one.

Lee Eric Smith,
Messenger and
Actual Human

It’s bound to come up so let’s address it now: The AMFGPT tool below is NOT a deity and does not represent itself as one. It is intended to be a helper in a variety of ways — from finding your way around the site, to researching holy texts for more information, to being a sounding board for some of the very thought provoking concepts presented here.

As a matter of routine, I tell seekers on our livestreams not to take anything I say at face value, or as “A Word From Almighty God!” I say the same thing about The Bible, The Qu’ran, or anything that we come across in the human experience, including this chatbot.

This project is here to stimulate you, to provoke you (in a productive, positive way) and to challenge you. If there’s something you see, hear or read here that sparks something in you, what Jesus instructs us to do is to take it into our private space with God and pray on it there, and listen for God’s guidance. That guidance may be to explore your faith in new ways; but it also may be to disregard some or all of what you’ve heard out of hand.

Look for this icon in the lower part of your screen, with a friendly, “How can I help you?”

Either outcome is fine by me. Because agreement isn’t the point.

The point is to reorient your thinking to realize that GOD LIVES INSIDE YOU ALREADY — and in ALL of us.

The point is to build a habit of consulting that God consistently, if not continuously.

So feel free to use AMFGPT below. You should see the AMFG Icon toward the bottom of your screen. Then, whatever idea or concept it sparks, take that to your private space and pray on it, just you and God. Whatever you and God work out amongst yourselves for YOU? That’s “A Message From God.”

Developing that close personal relationship with God? That’s what this project is here to facilitate.

Lee Eric Smith, Founder
