Maybe GOD is Trying to Tell Us Something


It’s been quite a while since I’ve had any memorable dreams (of either the conscious or subconscious kind). It’s been even longer since I dared to share any of my dreams with anyone other than my wife or a close friend. But I had such a disturbing dream early this morning that I couldn’t shake it even after I awoke. And I felt led to share it with those of you who will read this blog. So, here goes.

In my dream, I was myself yet I was also several other people, too. Some people I knew and recognized; others I never saw before, but they seemed to know me – quite well, I might add.

Anyway, I(we) was(were) watching myself(ourselves) go through this journey. At various points along the way I got lost. I picked up some things that weren’t for me and which I later had lost. I made some leaps up and some jumps down. I was misdirected (both intentionally and unintenionally) by some people.

I experienced fear as I heard voices telling me I would never be able to find my way out of this constantly changing maze. As I traveled through these loud, noisy, dirty, grimy, big and often dangerous scenarios, I longed to find rest in a place called “home” with people I knew loved me and I loved them as well.

Finally, in desperation, I went to a place where I found someone willing to help me. As I wept and begged for help, He/She smiled at me, and with eyes filled with compassion said, “Leave it to Me. I’ll take you home.”

Then I woke up.

Now while I AM a gospel preacher, I’m really not trying to proselytze here. Maybe I’m just a man who had a weird dream (I tend to do that when I sleep on my back, which I RARELY do). If that’s what you think of this so far, you can stop reading NOW. Go ahead; I DARE YOU.

I knew you wouldn’t quit on me just yet. Still, I get the distinct impression that God is trying to tell me something personally (and hopefully, others through me as well). If so . . . “Speak, Lord” . . .


Now, you may have your own interpretations of my dream or none at all. That’s perfectly fine with me. If you’re interested, here’s my own interpretation of the meaning of my dream (so far):

We’re all just travelers trying to find our way through this maze called “Life”. Sometimes we meet kindred souls in the person of total strangers. We’re more than our experiences and (whether we accept it or not) every detail of those experiences has been scripted and must be played out. There is a happy ending awaiting us, but we must continue to travel the seemingly obscure paths of the unexpected “how-in-the-&@*!-did-I-get-here?” occurences before we reach our conclusions.

Along our way, we’ll get lost and found over and over again. We’ll come to realize that some of the things we thought we just had to have are really just excess baggage that weighs us down, distracts our focus, and slows our progress. When we come to the realization that we don’t need “things” to enjoy our journey, we automatically lose them never to find them again. Sometimes, we have to make leaps of faith (not to be confused with jumping to conclusions; remember: it’s a journey so no one experience is an end within itself). There really is evil at work to deceive us, but when we resist it, evil loses its power. Even when we occasionally make the mistake of listening to/following evil, we eventually will come to our senses and resume our search for what is good and right.

We all need the help of Someone bigger, smarter, and stronger than we are who knows the way we should take and is committed to helping us reach our journey’s end safe and sound. Let us learn to put our complete trust in that One.


Sweet dreams and happy trails, my fellow pilgrims!!!

Edwin Smith is Pastor of New Freedom Family Ministries in Oxford, Mississippi. He also is a public relations specialist for The University of Mississippi.

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To me, it’s a perfect metaphor for this entire project. Is that REALLY God’s face in the photo? Is the book REALLY “A Message From God” as it claims to be, or is it the ramblings of religious nutjob? There are no clear-cut answers to either of those questions. Ultimately, what it all means depends upon what possibilities you’re open to. That’s why they call it “faith.”

Me? I’m trying to keep a pure heart. I like feeling like I can actually see God. Makes me feel good.


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