Rembering a FRIEND

A childhood friend of mine (my FIRST friend, as I recall) was killed by his son about 18 months ago. This is my tribute to him:

An Ode to Billy Mc

It was the summer of 1966
when you and I first met.
Almost forty-two years later,
You’re still someone I won’t forget.

We met because our fathers
were both working at Rust.
But soon we became good friends;
the kind in which we could trust.

I remember our first year in school together.
We were in 2nd grade.
During school we studied books,
But after school we played.

Even then you accepted me for who I was.
A nerd, a fat boy, a geek.
You didn’t make fun of my lack of sports skills.
You didn’t treat me like a freak.

When others kids, both black and white,
would tease us or start a fight.
You and I had each other’s backs.
Good or bad, wrong or right.

By 5th grade I had changed schools.
So we weren’t as close.
But of the friends I later made.
Somehow you meant the most.

So when I transferred to Holly High
In the fall of 1974
You and I picked up where we left off
Best friends just like before.

For the next two years we were in everything
Drama Club, Quiz’em Team and Band.
In the first Mr. Holly Springs High Contest
You and I both ran.

After high school once again
we went our separate ways.
You became a Morehouse man;
Clark College is where I spent my days.

My first time living away from home
It was good knowing you were nearby.
Just knowing I had a buddy close
Made my freshman year just fly.

I changed schools and once again
We began to lose touch.
Our lives took very different paths
That no longer crossed as much.

Still, I never totally forgot about you.
From time to time, we’d call.
And though time and distance kept us apart
Our friendship didn’t change at all.

The last time that I saw you in person
was at the service for your niece.
Though we didn’t talk a whole lot
I shared your pain and grief.

Two weeks ago I heard you’d been killed.
I still can hardly believe it is true.
For it had never crossed my mind
I would live in a world without you.

So I’m standing here this morning
heartbroken and so sad.
Remembering my old friend, Billy Mc
and the good times we always had.

I miss you more than words can say.
But on two things I can depend.
Your soul has found that blessed eternal rest
and one day we’ll meet again.

R.I.P., Bill. We all miss you, but God knows best. And for all of you who had, have or want to have friends, this song is for you:


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Gone, But NEVER Forgotten

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