What Can I DO for YOU?


At some point, everyone must provide it in one form or another. Motives for service vary. Most times service is rendered for profit (whether monetary or some other tangible benefit). Occasionally, service is rendered out of necessity (SOMEBODY has got to do it, so it might as well be me). Rarely,  service is provided as a genuine act of love and benevolence.

That third type of service, so rarely given, is the type God both offers TO us and expects FROM us. It was this type of service Jesus offered to two of His disciples, James and John the sons of Zebedee. He asked them,”What do you want Me to do for you?”

Like most people, what James and John wanted from Jesus was something to advance, promote, honor, and benefit themselves. They didn’t understand then, even as few people understand now, anytime we seek after anything for entirely selfish reasons, we diminish both the value of whatever it was we sought and own self-image by thinking that anything outside of us could make us more than we already are.

Jesus responded to their request for prestige and honor by asking them, “Are you sure this is what you REALLY want from Me?” In other words, are you willing to pay the inevitable price that comes with fame, fortune, and worldly definitions of success? Make no mistake: ALL “successful” people have paid/are paying an enormous price to be where they are and have what they own. In other words, it’s not easy getting to/staying at the top.

James and John answered Jesus affirmatively. “We can take the heat. We can pay the price. Give us what we asked for.” Jesus’ response was simply, “Oh, you’re going to pay the price all right. Everyone that follows Me must endure some hardships in one form or another. You can be sure of that.

“Still,” Jesus continued, “I can’t guarantee what you asked for, because I’m not in the position to do so.” Ever wondered why the LORD Himself had to leave positions for His followers in the hands of God the Father? The reason is simply profound: No servant can exalt a fellow servant; a servant can only exalt the Person being served.”

Which brings me to the point of this meditation. When was the last time you and I honestly went before God and offered to do something strictly out of our love for/devotion to Him? That’s the type of service that doesn’t seek for an audience, reward, payment, or recognition. It also goes beyond rote obligation and duty. This service is the type that God accepts and promises to honor for eternity.

This service is what Jesus offered on a daily basis. If He did it, then so can and should we.

What can I do to be of service, Lord, to You?
How can I be pleasing in Your sight?
I will give You all that I am; I’ll do everything that I can to show the world I love You with all my heart and might.

That’s what I’m going to do from now on.


What about you?

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