The Gospel is C.R.A.P.

I just know the title of this blog is bound to get some volatile reactions from folks, regardless of their own religious beliefs (or lack thereof). So, before the fundamentalists start denouncing this as blasphemy or heresy, and before the athiests and/or non-Christians start cheering because they’ve probably always said this, I implore you, please hear me out.
When I say “the gospel is C.R.A.P.”, what I’m REALLY saying is “THE gospel is Christ’s Reconciliation of All People (C.R.A.P.; get it?).”

You see, the world’s major religions (whatever the name or tenets the different sects) basically have one message: mankind is somehow and for whatever reasons at odds with the Creator/Universe. Now, whether one believes this is actually the case is irrelevant. At a deep, subcoscious level, nearly everyone at one time or another sense an emptiness inside themselves and want to find a means of reconnecting with the Divine.

To that end, many people embrace some form of religion or philosophy seeking to “work” into being accepted by the Creator/becoming a “whole” person. While individual experiences vary, all “works”-based efforts sooner or later become tiresome and rarely eradicate the lingering doubts/questions as to whether the inidividual has done “enough”.

For more than two millenia, Christianity has masked the truth of the gospel message as just another “works-based” religion. In reality, THE gospel that Jesus of Nazareth proclaimed is NOT (I repeat-NOT) about “works” people can/should do.

THE gospel is about what the Creator has ALREADY DONE! Through Christ’s life, death, burial and resurrection, ALL people have been “reconciled” to the Creator. Whatever “division” there may have been between God and man (whether real or imaginary) has been removed.

Moreover, any and every one can now enjoy an intimate relationship with the Creator daily without the limitations of guilt and condemnation that accompany “works”-based efforts.
THAT’s THE gospel. Again, it is C.R.A.P. And the best things in life often are a result of the C.R.A.P. we find ourselves in, come to, and through.


So, go ahead. Start expecting something GOOD rather than bad to come from the C.R.A.P. I dare you. Great things still come from this C.R.A.P.  — gospel truth!!

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As I’ve said elsewhere, and in fact, as The Author says in “A Message From God,” God can and will use the entire universe to speak to us. The real action isn’t about what’s happening OUT THERE, it’s about what’s happening when your experience mixes with the Truth God has written on your heart. Thus, Christians can learn from Muslims . . . and believers can learn from athiests.


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