Before the hands of time appeared, God Almighty made this decree:

“I will create a special, unique woman who will raise up a wonderful family.

She will be faithful and kind, and compassion will flow from her heart.

Wisdom she will wear like a crown and her faith will be a work of art.”

So God fulfilled His promise and into this world you came

To bless the lives of so many and, with me beside you, lift the Smith name.

For as long as I have known you (and that’s been most of my life)

You’ve been a model mother, homemaker, community volunteer and wife.


By precept and example, you taught our son and daughter the way that they should live.

Whatever sacrifices needed to be made, you have always been willing to give.

Caring for all of us all of the time, I never heard you once complain.

Over the years, you smiled through tears, and brought sunshine after the rain.


You let me know that you believed in me and encouraged me to always be my best.

Your loving accountability and suggestions have been the keys to my success.

You carried your children to church and read them Bible stories before bedtime each night.

Because you wanted them to trust in God; to always shun the wrong and embrace what’s right.

It’s most fitting that on this occasion, we gather together to honor you for all you’ve done.

You’re truly a wonderful mother and I’m so thankful and proud to be your husband.

No words can ever truly express the love that exists between you and me.

The good Lord truly blessed me with a wife who daily serves others so unselfishly.

No monetary wealth could ever measure your value for it is more precious than diamonds or gold.

For within you, my love, are God’s priceless riches which can never be bought or sold.

Rest assured that one day when your time on Earth is through, and my own time comes to an end

We will all meet in our heavenly home so sweet, and forever together we will be again.

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