New FREEDOM Explained

As some of you may or may not know, I am the pastor and founder of New Freedom Family Ministries in Oxford, Mississippi. We celebrated our fourth year lasts spring and continue to offer a variety of internal and external ministry opportunities and outreaches. Our vision is to simply transform people’s minds through the knowledge of truth (John 8:32).


As we continue to grow and prosper, we are seeing a significant and far-reaching impact on our local communities and beyond. To God be the glory for the great things He alone has done and is doing!!

Recently, one of the men in our ministry wrote this poem to explain his experience with New Freedom. I thank him and pray that it blesses each of you as it did me.


What does it mean to have New Freedom in Christ? It is the God-given ability to walk in newness of life.
We can now enjoy things that we used to despise. Like being parents to our children and faithful husbands and wives.
We don’t have to keep up appearances and pretend to be hard. We learn to shed tears and depend on God.
It takes a pushover and makes him strong like a tower; not through self-help teaching, but through God’s power.
New Freedom enables you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams. It’s exciting; like a baby eagle learning to use its wings.
It doesn’t happen in an instant, but transforms you through time. It takes you higher, like the wind does an eagle that’s flying.
One day, you will be amazed by how much you have grown! For New Freedom doesn’t come by any strength of your own.
It’s made possible through Jesus, and the blood that He shed. Yes, He died so that we might rise from the dead.
I know that New Freedom sounds to good to be true. It makes you do things that are too good to be “you”.
New Freedom can be yours, if you choose to believe. God will give you faith, if you choose to receive.
Don’t worry about the rest because it’s in God’s care. He knows all things, small things, like the sum of your hair.
Just receive New Freedom. Don’t resist or fight. And let New Freedom cause you to walk in newness of life.

– by Tavell Bibbs, Sr., April 26, 2009

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