It’s a BOY

He’s here!

After nine months of being pregnant and 12 hours in labor, our daughter birthed a beautiful, healthy baby boy last Friday night. HalleluJAH!

He is the newest addition to our small, tight-knit family and everyone is excited to welcome him with love. Even his “big” sister (who’s only 13 months old herself) and older brother (age 15)seem to have taken a liking to him.

Holding him in my arms only hours after his arrival, I held back tears of joy and said silent, heartfelt prayers for my one and only grandson. Beyond the usual petitions (i.e.: health, protection, provision), I asked the Lord to show his parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles and extended family how to raise him to become who God intends for him to be.

I also asked that total strangers he will encounter will show him basic human kindness and that, should he ever have any, his enemies will be unable to hurt or harm him beyond healing.

No doubt, my grandson (like all who live in this world) will have his share of hard times, disappointments, sorrows and pains. Sadly, these things are facts of life.Yet, I also know that he will be given many opportunities to grow from his trials and tribulations. He (like any one of us) can choose to be reasonably happy and to enjoy life as it is given.

Most of all, I hope he grows up to make a real difference for the better in this world. With so many negative things present already and even more looming on the horizon, there is still a chance for the next generation to turn the world right side up. At least, that’s what I choose to believe.

“For unto us a child is born. Unto us, a son is given.” (Isaiah 9:6a) Amen.

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