Have a LITTLE Faith

My Beloved Children:

You’ve been disappointed. Your expectations have not been fulfilled. Your dreams of grandeur have been replaced with nightmares of reality. Your past has been abysmal, your present unpromising and your future bleak.

Four words, babies: “Have a little faith.”

I didn’t say, “Look on the bright side,” “Cheer up,” or “It’s not as bad as it seems.” I didn’t command you to conjure up hope from your own feelings of hopelessness.

I’m asking you to accept MY faith from Me as a FREE gift. I’ve already given a measure of it to each and every one of you. You’re born to believe. Yes, I said it. You’ve been blessed from birth with something within you that can overcome any and all obstacles you may be facing – past, present and future.

What do you think I’ve been using to create this vast universe and all the things contained within it (including you)? That’s right: MY faith. And My faith has NEVER failed Me, so I know it won’t fail you.

So, starting here and now, today, instead of giving up on life, just help yourself to MY faith. Dare to dream big. Make plans for yourself and your world that are larger than what you can do in your own strength. Do what you know you can and should do, then leave the rest up to Me.

I promise you My faith won’t let you down. So have some, okay? And pass this message along to someone else you meet because I care about them, too.

Love always,
Your Heavenly Papa/Mama

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