A Message For Today: It’s OK to Embrace the Unknown

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the unknown — questioning why it all happens? While you search for answers, remember this crucial insight: No matter what the drama looks like to your eyes, there is a whole ‘nother thing going on in the unseen world.

Sometimes you feel like you don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle. Other times, you feel like even if you did have the pieces, you don’t know what the final picture is supposed to look like. And then there are those times where you want to throw your hands up and say: “What’s the point!!!”

In our faith journey, we often yearn to understand the “why,” “when,” and “how” of our circumstances. Yet, as hard as it is to accept, sometimes these are not questions we are meant to answer right now. We must always remember that even Jesus cried out to God, asking “WHY, GOD!”

But as I’ve come to learn over the years: If we knew how it all would work out, we wouldn’t need faith, now would we?

The Bible encourages us to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). It teaches us that the story God is weaving often unfolds beyond our immediate understanding. Instead of focusing solely on unraveling these mysteries, we are called to reflect Christ-like qualities in each moment.

It is inevitable that you’re going to run into obstacles, challenges and trials beyond your comprehension, let alone your ability to control. In those times, control what you CAN: Namely, how you meet the day, and those in it.

This is a call to embody patience, kindness, and love, even when clarity seems distant. It is in these periods of uncertainty that our true character emerges. The fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)—become our identifiers in a world that often demands more understanding than we can provide.

Today, embrace the unknown with a heart full of faith. Allow Christ’s light to shine through your actions and decisions, trusting that God’s purpose is greater than any immediate insight we crave.

Call to Action: Reflect on one way you can show the fruits of the Spirit in your daily life today. Offer a prayer for patience and understanding, knowing that all things are working together for your good, even when they are unseen.

In the embrace of faith, may you find peace in the unknown and strength in your journey.

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