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I love those wonderful moments when my head steps out of the way and spirit moves through me. Those moments reaffirm for me that…
Literally from Genesis to Revelation, the Word of God is filled with accounts of people who were found unclothed or naked. Keeping in mind that…
The “Cafeterian”…Picking and Choosing « Proud Atheists
As I’ve said elsewhere, and in fact, as The Author says in “A Message From God,” God can and will use the entire universe to speak to us. The real action isn’t about what’s happening OUT THERE, it’s about what’s happening when your experience mixes with the Truth God has written on your heart. Thus, Christians can learn from Muslims . . . and believers can learn from athiests.
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Managing MADNESS
Anger is a reality within every human soul. Everyone becomes angry at some time about something or someone else’s actions. Anger manifests itself in a variety…