LIFE is What We Make It

My Children,

By now I AM sure that you have experienced enough injustices in the world to know that life is not always fair. Virtually all of you at one time or another has been both a victim of other people’s unkindness as well as someone who has intentionally been unkind to others. Unfortunately, such incidents are an unavoidable reality.

Still, I hope that you before you pull out the boxing gloves or build another wall of defense against possible future injury you will pause long enough to remember somethings I promised you in My Word long ago.

First, you WILL reap what you sow. Good or bad, right or wrong, whatever you do unto others is eventually going to come back to you multiplied many times over. That thought alone ought to make you think twice before you speak or act.

Second, I AM with you ALWAYS. I promised you that I would never leave nor forsake you, nor will I ever cast you out of MY presence. Knowing I AM with you will always make you strong enough to go through the worst times of your lives.

Third and finally, MY peace I give to you. In this world you will have hard times, but I have overcome this world and as you keep your trust in ME, you will overcome it, too.

So, life IS what YOU make it. You decide. Will you merely survive life or will you LIVE it to its fullest each and every blessed moment you are here? Pain is inevitable, but misery is a choice. Decide for yourself, but be sure you are willing to live with the choices that you make.

Abba/Mama God

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