Now On Twitter: A Message From God PrayerLine

“When you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans,
for they think they will be heard because of their many words.”
— Jesus (Matt 6:7)

I think Jesus would have LOVED Twitter . . . especially for prayer. Can’t be a long prayer when it’s only 140 characters, can it?

Send your own prayer requests to: I’ll tweet them up in prayer, so please keep them brief. And please let us know how you’d like us to identify the subject of your prayer, if at all. As a policy, we’ll only use FIRSTNAME/INITIAL (John D.) unless otherwise instructed. Anonymous prayers are okay . . . and of course, it’s okay to request a prayer for yourself.

And of course, follow our PrayerLine on Twitter . . . and when you see a PrayerTweet pop up, take just a few seconds — and I mean that literally — to pause, take a deep breath, and pray for whatever or whomever the Prayer request is for. Put your heart into it and send some love and healing. If so inspired, post a positive thought in the comments section below . . .

Let’s send some love out there, folks. Thanks.

Peace Be With You.


UPDATE: For reasons I can’t explain, the original Twitter account created for this doesn’t work. If you signed up to follow before July 1 and haven’t received a tweet in the past week or so, please click on the above link to make sure you’re getting the latest PrayerTweets. — LES

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