In A Perfect World

“Nobody is perfect.”

This is what many of you say whenever someone makes a mistake or demonstrates a so-called “shortcoming.”

“In a perfect world . . .”

This is a phrase many of you use right before you explain how the world you live in does not measure up to your ideals.

Both of these concepts come from the idea that there is something that I am keeping from you-something that I withheld in creating you and your world, that, if it was there, everything would come out exactly as you desire, without fail. Everything would be “perfect.”

Yet you do encounter problems. There is death, famine, disease, hardship, trials and suffering. Precious little in your life goes exactly as you plan for it to go. You live in a so-called “imperfect” world.

Yet even this goes against what many of you believe about Me: That everything I do is “perfect.” Many of you believe that I am perfect, and that everything I cause to happen therefore must also be “perfect.”

Clearly, this doesn’t add up. How could a perfect God create an imperfect world? Something needs to be corrected. And it is your commonly held idea of what perfection is—and what it isn’t.

There are certain things that happen on your planet without fail. Certain constants that you can count on. The planet will spin. The sun will rise and fall. Water always freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and turns to vapor at 212 degrees. Plant life will grow, providing air and food for other life on your planet. Each species on Earth, including yours, mates and produces offspring of the same species. This is just a fancy way of saying a dog and a cat won’t mate, and if they did, they wouldn’t produce a hippo.

Many of you have attached the concept of perfection to a desired result. This is not how I apply the concept, however. My concept of perfection has to do with a process, and how your world operates. And your planet is working to perfection.

Within that setup, I have introduced Humanity, and gifted you with the incredible power of choice—you can choose what to think and how to act. You can choose to love or hate, to make love or war. You can choose not to choose. You can even choose to deny or forget that you have a choice. This process is working to perfection.

You are correct in thinking that I did not make any mistakes in creating you, your world or anyone else on it. Your planet is running exactly as I intended it to run. World without end. Your problem with “perfection” comes in these phases:

1. You create your idea of some ideal way things are supposed to be.

2. Usually, you attribute that ideal to Me, when actually, you are the one who created it.

3. You forget that you created this ideal.

4. You measure your life and your world against that ideal, and critique both against it.

Now, let’s be clear about this: I gave you the ability to choose your own thoughts about yourself, life and your world. You are constantly doing this, whether you are aware of it or not. So My system is working to perfection, exactly as I designed it to.

Your experience of what you call “imperfection” stems from the fact that you are not aware of how I designed the system, and you have not mastered using it.

Therefore, a key to “perfection” is simply to become aware. You can do this by simply observing your surroundings without judgment, without attachment to how things are “supposed” to be. Just look at things as they are, and accept them as they are.

This goes for the people in your life. If you are having problems in your relationships, you are probably expecting “perfection” from others in your life. You want them to live up to some ideal that you created—an ideal that has everything to do with you and nothing to do with them. Your own concept of who they “should” be blinds you from who they really are. It blinds you from seeing the perfection in them—and yes, there is perfection there.

You all are human beings. Like every other biological organism on your planet, you are constantly growing, constantly changing. Sometimes these changes are obvious; other times they are imperceptible to all but the most observant. But you are constantly changing, in any case. This, too, is perfect.

Imagine a seedling for an oak tree. It takes root. It absorbs what it needs to grow from the soil. At some point, it will sprout leaves and branches. There may even come a knot in the tree. But I ask you this: At what point does it become less than perfect? And where else does that concept of perfect exist other than your own mind?

Humans are the same way. You grow. You experience pleasure and adversity. You mature. There are times when you thrive, and other times when you struggle. In some cases, you reproduce. Eventually, your body stops working and returns to the ground. This is the process I set up. It is working to perfection. And since you are a part of this process, you, too, are perfect.

I shall repeat that: YOU ARE PERFECT. So is everyone else.

The concept may startle you. It may even offend you. But this does not change its truthfulness. But to accept this powerful and profound truth, you will have to change your definition of “perfect.”

If you create some idea of how you, others and your world “should be,” you will experience imperfection and the disappointment that comes with it.

However, if you accept that you, others and your world are in the process of growing, and that this process unfolding perfectly, you will experience an inner peace that passes understanding.

None of this means that you must give up your aspirations. You may still create and pursue your ideals. That is what the Human Experience is for—creating who you want to be. Just remember who made those ideals up and don’t get too attached to them.

And learn to see the perfection in each moment.

It is there—just as sure as I am.

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In A Perfect World
“Nobody is perfect.”
This is what many of you say whenever someone makes a mistake or demonstrates a so-called “shortcoming.”
“In a perfect world . . .”
This is a phrase many of you use right before you explain how the world you live in does not measure up to your ideals.
Both of these concepts come from the idea that there is something that I am keeping from you-something that I withheld in creating you and your world, that, if it was there, everything would come out exactly as you desire, without fail. Everything would be “perfect.”
Yet you do encounter problems. There is death, famine, disease, hardship, trials and suffering. Precious little in your life goes exactly as you plan for it to go. You live in a so-called “imperfect” world.
Yet even this goes against what many of you believe about Me: That everything I do is “perfect.” Many of you believe that I am perfect, and that everything I cause to happen therefore must also be “perfect.”
Clearly, this doesn’t add up. How could a perfect God create an imperfect world? Something needs to be corrected. And it is your commonly held idea of what perfection is—and what it isn’t.
There are certain things that happen on your planet without fail. Certain constants that you can count on. The planet will spin. The sun will rise and fall. Water always freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, and turns to vapor at 212 degrees. Plant life will grow, providing air and food for other life on your planet. Each species on Earth, including yours, mates and produces offspring of the same species. This is just a fancy way of saying a dog and a cat won’t mate, and if they did, they wouldn’t produce a hippo.
Many of you have attached the concept of perfection to a desired result. This is not how I apply the concept, however. My concept of perfection has to do with a process, and how your world operates. And your planet is working to perfection.
Within that setup, I have introduced Humanity, and gifted you with the incredible power of choice—you can choose what to think and how to act. You can choose to love or hate, to make love or war. You can choose not to choose. You can even choose to deny or forget that you have a choice. This process is working to perfection.
You are correct in thinking that I did not make any mistakes in creating you, your world or anyone else on it. Your planet is running exactly as I intended it to run. World without end. Your problem with “perfection” comes in these phases:
1. You create your idea of some ideal way things are supposed to be.
2. Usually, you attribute that ideal to Me, when actually, you are the one who created it.
3. You forget that you created this ideal.
4. You measure your life and your world against that ideal, and critique both against it.
Now, let’s be clear about this: I gave you the ability to choose your own thoughts about yourself, life and your world. You are constantly doing this, whether you are aware of it or not. So My system is working to perfection, exactly as I designed it to.
Your experience of what you call “imperfection” stems from the fact that you are not aware of how I designed the system, and you have not mastered using it.
Therefore, a key to “perfection” is simply to become aware. You can do this by simply observing your surroundings without judgment, without attachment to how things are “supposed” to be. Just look at things as they are, and accept them as they are.
This goes for the people in your life. If you are having problems in your relationships, you are probably expecting “perfection” from others in your life. You want them to live up to some ideal that you created—an ideal that has everything to do with you and nothing to do with them. Your own concept of who they “should” be blinds you from who they really are. It blinds you from seeing the perfection in them—and yes, there is perfection there.
You all are human beings. Like every other biological organism on your planet, you are constantly growing, constantly changing. Sometimes these changes are obvious; other times they are imperceptible to all but the most observant. But you are constantly changing, in any case. This, too, is perfect.
Imagine a seedling for an oak tree. It takes root. It absorbs what it needs to grow from the soil. At some point, it will sprout leaves and branches. There may even come a knot in the tree. But I ask you this: At what point does it become less than perfect? And where else does that concept of perfect exist other than your own mind?
Humans are the same way. You grow. You experience pleasure and adversity. You mature. There are times when you thrive, and other times when you struggle. In some cases, you reproduce. Eventually, your body stops working and returns to the ground. This is the process I set up. It is working to perfection. And since you are a part of this process, you, too, are perfect.
I shall repeat that: YOU ARE PERFECT. So is everyone else.
The concept may startle you. It may even offend you. But this does not change its truthfulness. But to accept this powerful and profound truth, you will have to change your definition of “perfect.”
If you create some idea of how you, others and your world “should be,” you will experience imperfection and the disappointment that comes with it.
However, if you accept that you, others and your world are in the process of growing, and that this process unfolding perfectly, you will experience an inner peace that passes understanding.
None of this means that you must give up your aspirations. You may still create and pursue your ideals. That is what the Human Experience is for—creating who you want to be. Just remember who made those ideals up and don’t get too attached to them.
And learn to see the perfection in each momen