The only problem I have with "The Secret" has nothing to do with its content, but in the fact that its popularity may overshadow its potency. People l…
To me, it's a perfect metaphor for this entire project. Is that REALLY God's face in the photo? Is the book REALLY "A Message From God" as it claims t…
As I grow, I notice that I'm shifting away from looking for answers. Answers are useful, but as I seem to remember hearing somewhere, a good question …
I'm feeling optimistic about this. Sometimes, when I'm feeling low, this helps put my mind a bit more at ease. Hopefully it will do the same for you. …
As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said: "Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't …
Over on BeliefNet, there's a fascinating thread, started by a member who goes by the name of GodGirl. She's struggling with whether or not she's "addi…
Doesn't matter to me what your reason for working is -- Personal Fulfillment? Meaningful work? Service? Patriotism? You make the call. I'm just saying…
Every now and then, when I feel a bit overwhelmed, I watch this little clip from YouTube. I remember seeing it on PBS or something, but this version e…
I'm sure I'll touch on this many times, but the Ultimate Authority for comments like this will be The Author speaking directly to each of us through o…