Every now and then, when I feel a bit overwhelmed, I watch this little clip from YouTube. I remember seeing it on PBS or something, but this version e…
I'm sure I'll touch on this many times, but the Ultimate Authority for comments like this will be The Author speaking directly to each of us through o…
Here's a resolution: Make no resolutions. If there are changes you want to see in your life, start working on them immediately. And avoid making big p…
Wait. You mean Barack Obama didn't appoint Rick Warren to the cabinet? You mean Rick Warren isn't going to set policy in the Obama Administration? Wel…
It's the tough times that show you who you really are. Tough times bring you back into contact with the Greater Whole. And during my tough times, The …
I'd like to shout out a new friend: Peace Portal. Aside from the fact that they've created a page for "Message" there with the Scribd embed code, it j…
I believe we are entering a period where a "me first" attitude is likely to be the swiftest path to destruction. Unfortunately, without a massive shif…