If you are going through something right now, something that scares you, here's the main thing you need to know: God is with you, right now, right in …
When someone is in need, it's often not a question of whether others will turn their backs on the needy. It's a question of being AWARE of someone bei…
The only problem I have with "The Secret" has nothing to do with its content, but in the fact that its popularity may overshadow its potency. People l…
To me, it's a perfect metaphor for this entire project. Is that REALLY God's face in the photo? Is the book REALLY "A Message From God" as it claims t…
As I grow, I notice that I'm shifting away from looking for answers. Answers are useful, but as I seem to remember hearing somewhere, a good question …
I'm feeling optimistic about this. Sometimes, when I'm feeling low, this helps put my mind a bit more at ease. Hopefully it will do the same for you. …
Over on BeliefNet, there's a fascinating thread, started by a member who goes by the name of GodGirl. She's struggling with whether or not she's "addi…