We’re living in a day when the Holy Ghost is being poured out on all flesh. Are we ready for a Holy Ghost takeover?


Do we want to see the Holy Ghost move everywhere no matter what happens afterwards? Are we hungry and thirsty after God’s righteousness enough for the Spirit to refill us again and again? Do we want our churches, our homes, our neighborhoods, our cities, our states, our nation and all the nations of the earth to be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea?
If our answer to each of these questions is “Yes,” I challenge us to prepare ourselves for unexpected blessings and miracles. Let’s keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to the Holy Ghost’s directions. When we sense Him leading us to follow a certain commandment, let’s be quick to obey Him.
As we allow Him to lead us, the Holy Ghost will guide us into all truth. He will bring to our remembrance the things Jesus said and did.


He will reveal the future to you through dreams and visions. He will empower us to lay hands on the sick and they be healed. He will enable us to cast the devil out of people’s minds and emotions. Yokes will be destroyed because of the anointing of God’s Spirit in our lives. By the Holy Ghost, we will challenge demons and wickedness in high places without fear. In the Spirit, we will wage spiritual warfare in the heavens and conquer Satan’s strongholds knowing that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

By the Holy Ghost, we will become a dynamic witness and soul winners for Jesus everywhere that we go. Remember the early church in the Book of Acts. Everywhere they lived and worked, Holy Ghost powered revival broke out and souls were converted by the thousands. Jesus said the Holy Ghost would convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment.

He will give us wisdom to deal with every situation and always have the correct answer to any questions someone may asks us. He will make us more effective and productive in everything that we do. He will move us with increased compassion to act on behalf of those who have been bound by sin and wickedness.


He will supernaturally protect us from dangers seen and unseen. He will transport us out of your natural bodies into the spirit world where we will see and hear things too wonderful and marvelous for us to even imagine. He will fill us with more love for the Lord than we ever have experienced before in your entire life.
One day, He will cause us to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. He will change us from mortal to immortal in the twinkling of an eye. He will make our bodies into ones just like the Lord Jesus’ resurrected body.

If your answer to any of the questions is “No,” I warn you to be prepared for unexpected judgments and punishments. When the Holy Ghost takes over, liars are going to drop dead in church. Remember Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5.

When the Holy Ghost takes over, evil thoughts, wicked desires and secret sins are going to be exposed to your shame and disgrace. Remember Barjesus the socerer in Acts 13.

When the Holy Ghost takes over, everyone is going to know who is truly serving the Lord and who is not serving Him. Remember Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Remember the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19.

When the Holy Ghost takes over, God’s enemies are going to suffer in the worst possible way. Remember King Herod in Acts 12.


Remember, as God spoke to Zerrubabel , “Not by power, not by might, but by My Spirit, says the Lord.” May you and I be found caught up in the Holy Ghost as he takes over is my prayer in Jesus’ name.

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