Was It Something I SAID?

Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said: ‘This is a hard saying; who can understand it?’ When Jesus knew in Himself that His disciples complained about this, He said to them: ‘Does this offend you?’John 6:60-61

Words, whether written or spoken, have great power. Both literally and figiuratively, life and death are in the power of the tongue (or pen or keypad, if you prefer). Our Creator Himself used words to bring everything in the universe – seen and unseen – into existence. For better or worse, He has bequeathed the same power to humanity.

If only we realized just how much comes from our words, I believe we would all think more deeply before we speak and/or write. At least, that’s what we should do.

How many times have I myself said or written things that, in hindsight, I wish I could take back? Or how many times have I not said or written things that I now wish that I had? I each case, more often than I care to admit.

Which brings me to today’s blog. As a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I do my best to follow my Lord’s Spirit and example in all that I say and do. Sometimes, despite my best efforts, I fail miserably. There have been things I have said (which were true), but my timing and attitude was off. The result was I offended people (which definitely was NOT my intention). Those who know me best know I like peace and strive to keep it if at all possible.

In such instances, I have gone back to the injured party, apologized and asked forgiveness. Thankfully, in most instances, my apology is accepted and we move on with no hard feelings.

However, even Jesus who is the Prince of Peace, had times when He could/would not soften the truth of what He said for the sake of not offending those who heard Him. Over the years and through many difficult experiences, I have learned to do the same. I practice this by prefacing such statements with, “I’m sure you may not want to hear this, but . . .” If I differ with someone’s opinion in a discussion, I first say, “I respectfully disagree.”

My point is, often it’s not always WHAT we say to each other; rather, it is HOW we say it. Jesus WAS bold, but He was NEVER rude.

Right now at every level of human civilization there seem to be differences of opinion and debates over any number of issues. Rights. Race. Religion. Politics. Education. The list is endless.

Discussion is essential for communication which (hopefully) leads to compromises and peaceful resolutions. However, I believe we’re witnessing too many mindless, personal attacks and not enough critical, creative expression. The latter leads to growth and life; the former to violence and death.

So, as the conversation continues, remember the wise commandments found in 2 Timothy 2 . . .”(don’t) strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers” (verse 14),shun profane and idle babble, for they will increase to more ungodliness” (verse 16) and “avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife” (verse 23).

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