
The very word, depending upon your personal beliefs and/or experiences, generates mixed emotions ranging from apathy to excitement.

By definition, prayer involves communing with Me. Some of you do so regularly with deep convictions that I both hear and will anwser you in the manner you so desire. The problem I have with such prayers is that you do all the talking (begging, whining, demanding, pleading) and seldom (if ever) take the time to listen to what I might want/need to say to you.


Many of you, however, don’t commune with Me regularly. In most cases when you do talk to Me, it’s only because you feel like you have no choice or like you have nothing to lose. Still, I hear and respond to you every time, but often you are too emotionally-driven to recognize My still, small voice.

A lot of you enjoy pretending that you are talking to Me when, in reality, you are merely attempting to impress the people who may be listening. The reason I know this is because when there is no audience around, you barely have anything to say at all.


So many of you have been so disappointed in prayer (mainly because you’ve limited Me and My answers to your own, lowly expectations) that in your anger and disillusionment you actually refuse to commune with Me (like I can’t read your minds and don’t already know what you’re thinking).

Whether you choose to commune with Me (or not), however you prefer to commune with Me (loudly in front of a crowd, silently alone, or somewhere in between), know this: I AM LISTENING. I HEAR YOU EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T SAY A WORD. AND I TRULY UNDERSTAND.


That’s why you need to commune with Me continually. Don’t EVER think I AM unconcerned, too busy, or indifferent to your feelings and/or your situation. Believe Me, I LOVE AND CARE ABOUT YOU MORE THAN YOU’LL EVER COMPREHEND IN YOUR TIME ON EARTH.


So, starting here and now, why not CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT ME THROUGH PRAYER? Instead of making our commune a dry empty ritual, a meaningless coin toss, or a tirade of anger, try letting it be what it always was, is, and will be: LIVING IN MY UNCONDITIONAL, UNCHANGING, UNDYING LOVE FOR YOU. I guarantee you on MY Name, once you do this you will NEVER desire to return to monologues and/or the silent treatment.

I AM and I am waiting. For you. Always.



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