Strength To Love

I love Jesus. And I love Dr. Martin Luther King.

Both men, known for their compassion and peaceful ways, are simply jaw-dropping in their grasp of how to meet life and its various challenges. As the saying goes though, don’t mistake their kindness for weakness. It takes a very special, divine kind of strength to meet hatred with love, to pray for people who want to destroy you, to face your enemies with no weapon and no intention of fighting back.

So I stumbled upon a copy of Dr. King’s “Strength To Love” and started reading it last night. It comes at a time when I’m going through an extremely difficult divorce and custody battle. And while the situation demands that I take a stand, I do so not with malice, anger or vengeance. I take my stand in Jesus’ eternal call for us to love and forgive, no matter what the situation.

Still, it never hurts to be reminded. Which brings me to Dr. King’s book. The very first chapter’s title was heaven-sent: “A Tough Mind and a Tender Heart.” I would post an excerpt here, but what the heck — go read the first several pages of it online via Google: Strength to love – Google Book Search.

It’s easy to think of Dr. King as a mere civil rights leader. But underneath the “Been to the mountaintop” and “I have a dream” sound bytes, there was an extraordinary wisdom and moral clarity that fueled everything he did. He wasn’t calling for us just to break the chains of racial injustice — he was calling upon us to be better human beings, and to be better TO human beings.

I think he’d like “A Message From God.

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Who Are You Choosing To Be?

I like being the guy who applies Jesus’ teaching: “Love your enemies and pray for them who persecute you.” I like being the guy who my friends call upon for an inspired word. I like being able to bask in the joy of my daughter’s love, despite the difficult circumstances around us. When I go to bed at night, I want to be able to say that I did what God put on my heart to do. If I don’t live to see another day, I want to be able to rest saying that when it came to doing what I feel God asked me to do, I went for it.


  1. Well done I really enjoyed the read,you know I never paid much attention to the speech “I Have A Dream” because of the pain & suffering of our race,but as soon as President Barack Obama was elected that changed things for me. And since then I’ve heard very clearly and Dr. Martin L. King was truly a man filled with the love of God!! Now I’m going to check out Strength to Love.
    Numbers 6:24~26
    Love in Christ
