Prayer Request

Switching it up a little bit . . .

If you have people or situations you’d like people to pray for, click on “Comments” below and add them. If you don’t have people or situations you’d like to add, please, take a few moments to be still and pray for those who do post here below. For the record, it’s okay to post that you’d like to be prayed for.

Everyone is going through something these days. Tough times, indeed. And even when you feel your loneliest, KNOW that you are NOT alone. There are literally people around the world praying for you and those you care for.

So when you pray, pray for love. Pray for healing and hope. Pray that The Author will strengthen and protect those in harm’s way. But remember, this isn’t just about muttering a few words of prayer. It’s about praying from deep inside your heart — letting yourself FEEL your prayer. Visit the chapter entitled “A Living Prayer” in “A Message From God” to see ways that you can increase the power of your prayers — for yourself and for others.

Be blessed and keep pressing on . . .

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  1. Prayer request for:

    1) Noel McD & Family – Unemployed for several months since employer closed business.

    2) Edgar McD & Family – Unemployed recently – Large company made massive lay offs.

    3) Tim & Mrs. H. McD – Trying to adopt as they see their further job security at risk.

    4) Thomas M. – Emotional & Expectation issues.

  2. Prayer request for my 19 year old son who doesn’t reply to my emails, phone calls, or text messages. I have no idea where he is, what he is doing, or if he is okay. Please pray that God will send someone to watch over him and keep him safe.
