This project scared me.

This project scared me.

I mean, come on, let’s face it: Most people think God hasn’t had much new to say in 2,000 years. Sure, lots of people feel God talking to them. But what do you do when God tells you to share what he’s telling you with the whole world? For free on the Internet? And to write it in the first person, as if God is speaking? To some, just the very idea is blasphemous.

And on top of that, much of what was coming through my fingers, well, in a lot of ways, it breaks with traditional religious thinking. In “A Message From God,” The Author says a lot of things that will make people squirm in discomfort.

So, yeah, I was scared. Mostly, I was scared that people would look at my life — my shortcomings, my mistakes — and somehow say that the Message itself was somehow invalid. My biggest fear was that people would disregard the message because of its messenger.

Until The Author and I had a meeting. Put simply, The Author told me not to worry about all of that — to leave all those issues to Him (For the record, I believe God is genderless, but writing “Him” is more natural than its alternatives). My job is to write the Message, spread the Message.

And really, what’s so different? The Bible itself has countless stories of everyday people, many facing extraordinary circumstances. And God uses them to do more than they ever thought possible. If He could do it in Ancient Mesopotamia, why can’t He do it now? Why wouldn’t He?

Besides the words on the pages are just that — words. The real action in “A Message From God” is that it is designed to remind people to listen to God Within. The object is to touch hearts. If it does that, on any level, I’m feeling pretty good.

A Messenger

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“Blessed Are The Pure In Heart . . .”

To me, it’s a perfect metaphor for this entire project. Is that REALLY God’s face in the photo? Is the book REALLY “A Message From God” as it claims to be, or is it the ramblings of religious nutjob? There are no clear-cut answers to either of those questions. Ultimately, what it all means depends upon what possibilities you’re open to. That’s why they call it “faith.”

Me? I’m trying to keep a pure heart. I like feeling like I can actually see God. Makes me feel good.


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