Tough Times, Brighter Days

The Author first gave me the initial inspiration for “A Message From God” in October 2006, about a month after the birth of my little girl. In the time since then, my marriage hit several large rocks en route to the ugly divorce process I’m in right now. But one thing that never left me was “A Message From God.”

I’m a writer, so it’s no surprise that I would find some sort of solace in tapping away at a keyboard during difficult times — lots of creative people lose themselves in their work to escape their troubles. Still, I am stunned as I go back and read “Message” — the clarity of it, particularly, and the fact that it could come through during such tumultuous times in my life.

I have said in the past that “God has a way of bringing us to our knees.” As a writer, I love it when a phrase has multiple meanings, and that one is no different. A lot of people would read that, and immediately think of the vengeful, angry God who gets a charge out of watching his minions squirm. But that’s not the meaning I get out of it.

What I get out of it is that we often roam through life with the illusion that whatever good stuff happens in our lives, that we made it happen. That’s true to a point, but the ego part of us starts thinking that our good fortune is all our doing, which can lead to a sense of self-importance and even hubris. Even the most faithful believer can get caught up and forget that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

But as the pendulum swings — as life brings us difficult times, that’s when we begin to remember that there’s a great deal in life that we don’t control. The illusion of control begins to crumble, and along with it, that whole idea that we’re stronger, better, powerful, smarter, whatever. We all have times when the challenges are just too much, and we break down. We find ourselves weak — so tired and weak, we come to our knees — not because God put us on our knees, but because our pride and arrogance finally collapse.

It’s the tough times that show you who you really are. Tough times bring you back into contact with the Greater Whole. And during my tough times, The Author comforted me in the pages of “A Message From God.” It provided me with hope and light, when I needed it most. It still does.

If you’re going through tough times right now — and we all are –remember this: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Read the chapter: “How To Experience My Presence” to remind yourself of the Greater Whole that you are a part of. And my prayer is that “A Message From God” provides you with the same hope and light it did for me.

Peace Be With You,


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