Feedback and The Fear Of Death

One thing I know about “A Message From God” is that people are at least curious about it. There have been about 100 views of it over on Scribd, and a number of people have requested via email. I’m actually working on a YouTube video that I hope will spread the “Message” even more. You’ll hear about it here of course . . . likely later this week.

As for feedback I’ve gotten so far, one reader emailed me to say this:

Thank you for sending it to me, but as soon as I reached the part where he claims that some of us call him Allah, I knew immediately this is a message straight from Satan himself. Only God the Father of Jesus Christ is the one true God. Allah, Buddah, and any other name are names of only one god: satan, lucifer, the devil. Nice try satan, but get thee behind me. For I am a Son of the One true God, the Father of Jesus Christ.

Fair enough. I never expected that “A Message From God” would be universally accepted. The Author says as much in the second chapter, entitled About This Message: “I do not require you to agree with this message. You are free to accept or reject any or all of it.” I do wonder, however, if people really realize how radical and unorthodox Jesus’ teachings were at the time, but that’s another story.

That said, I do expect a dialogue to come out of this. I expect people to share their thoughts and insights, whether they agree or not. Here’s one I received today, about the chapter What Death Is (And Isn’t). If you’re not familiar, well, what are you waiting for? Go read it now on Scribd, or send an email to ebook (at) But here are the reader’s thoughts:

I kind of get what you are saying about if you understand death as the end of the body but not the spirit but I don’t think that knowledge will evaporate fears of death.  I think the knowledge decreases that fear but doesn’t erase it.  The physical fight or flight involuntary need to survive kicks in too (even though I know you’ve separated the body and spirit, your mind is still connected until you die. It’s comfort to know that the spirit carries on the existence and family but even my grandmother who always said that she wasn’t afraid to die because she was right with God was afraid and fought like the dickens to stay alive when she was dying.

I’m sure I’ll touch on this many times, but the Ultimate Authority for comments like this will be The Author speaking directly to each of us through our hearts. In short: “A Message From God” + “The Truth Written On Your Heart” = Specifically tailored guidance from God. The real action in this message doesn’t happen on the page — it happens in the hearts of those who receive it.

I could wax poetic here, but I’d much rather get your thoughts. What are your thoughts about death? Do you agree or disagree that an understanding of death can evaporate your fear of it?

Punch in your thoughts below . . .

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