It Begins

If you are reading this, you have at least heard about “A Message From God.” Perhaps you’ve read it. If so, I hope it has touched your life as it has mine.

In the time since The Author (God, that is; I’m just the ghost writer) first sent me to the keyboard to start typing, I have experienced great turmoil in my life, particularly being at ground zero for the explosion of my marriage. As I write this, I am in the very early stages of what promises to be a bitter divorce. “A Message From God” did not cause this; but I often felt it ministering to me as it came through me. I know that The Author has sustained me and will continue to do so. For that I am eternally grateful.

I guess I share that to say that, despite this miracle of a writing project, I’m just as human as you, with many of the same problems and challenges. Yet, God has something for each of us to do — something larger than us or our troubles. God speaks to you every minute of every day, in a voice only you can hear, in a language only you can understand. The remaining questions are: Are you listening? And do you have the faith/courage to believe that God believes in you? And are you willing to step out of your comfort zone, to surrender to that higher calling?

I don’t need to tell you about the challenges we face these days. But I do know that now is not the time for selfish, “me-first” thinking. We — and by “we,” I mean HUMANITY — must recognize that we are one and act like it. What’s good for your neighbor is also good for you. In that regard, when we act proactively to help each other, we are indeed helping ourselves.

As “A Message From God” grows, the vision is to re-ignite a passion for helping each other worldwide . . . dare I say, to even make selfless service the norm, rather than the exception.

I hope you will join me on this adventure!

Lee Eric Smith
A Messenger

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